Proceedings and Technical Papers
CABA White Paper on Elevator Systems for Future Intelligent Buildings
(Pending for permission)
Part 1: Speend and Multi-dimensionality
Part 2: Remote Control and Monitoring, and Emergency Operation
Part 3: Dispatchers and Energy Conservation
Creativity on basing the reality - Building homes at Plover Cove
Sincere thanks are given to Mr Frederick Lai, speaker of the Technical Talk organized for 17 March 2018, AIIB Members and attendees are permitted to access to the Powerpoint slides of seminar presentation.
Creativity on basing the reality - Building homes at Plover Cove
International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Structures and Facilities (ISSF2017), 21st September 2017
Cold plasma disinfection efficacy against different airborne bacteria in ventilation duct [Alvin LAI, Department of Architectural and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong]
Cost-Benefit Analysis on smart meter projects: Lessons from case studies [Patrick T.I. LAM and Wenjing YANG, Dept of Building & Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University]
Intelligent Assessment for Facility Management Performance: Pilot Study on a Hospital [Jing ZHANG, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital and Joseph LAI, Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University]